Reptember Deja Vu
The year was 1993. Josh, born in 1984, was just freshly out of diapers when one of the most iconic movies of the 90’s hit the big screen. Phil Conners (played by Bill Murray) awakens in Punxsutawny Philadelphia on the same day over and over and over again. While this makes for a great story, we all know that time flows in one direction. However, the sensation of deja vu is something real felt by all of us. And sometimes when the stars align, Mercury and Venus are in retrograde (which is just a fancy way of saying they look like they are moving backward), and summer gives way to spring, we know, KNOW!!!, that magic is in the air. Some would argue that it’s hard to replicate the magic of the past, but we stand by our argument that maybe we’re just dumb. So, without further adieu we proudly present REPTEMBER.
This September find your favorite hill and do at least 9 hill repeats. Although, Josh always says size doesn’t matter, find your nemesis hill or the coolest hill in town and give it a go. This one has to be done OUTSIDE as well. You can do it on your bike or do it on your feet. Once again, tag Josh and Ryan in the comment section of your activity and sign up for the monthly challenge. We will draw a winner for the $50 prize. As a little extra incentive, Josh and I have made some hats for anyone that does 1000 ft or more of repeats. Embrace the mind numbing repeats as we have in the past and get some swag. We included some links below for some motivation. As always, have fun, be safe, and anything worth doing is worth overdoing.