May the 4th Be With You

Darth Vader! Such an iconic villain. So scary and yet so cool. Who hasn’t put their hand up to their mouth and recreated his rhythmic metallic breathing and uttered the phrase “Luke, I am your father” in their best James Earl Jones deep basso profundo. (Don’t fret Star Wars nerds, I know that’s not what he really said). As a kid, he was the villain that I loved to hate and loved to love. I wanted to be Luke so badly, but secretly thought Darth Vader was super cool. Big, bad, scary (probably had a full head of hair). My polar opposite. In the end I knew Vader would save the day. For me, the truly scary villain was the Emperor. You could tell that he was bad to the core. I’m not entirely sure on this, but it seems likely that he was Josh Pierce’s favorite character (truth be told I don’t think Josh has ever seen a Star Wars Episode. I know!!! Seriously, something is wrong with him and likely a few of you, too). Anyway, back to the story:The Emperor was the guy scheming every move and putting all the wheels in motion. Without the villains, life would have been easy and honestly who wants that? That’s a lame story.

So, in Honor of Star Wars Day, May 4th, Emperor Pierce has decreed that you must run or ride four times the distance that you ran or rode on May 1. This activity must be done on May 4th. Don’t forget to tag @Josh Pierce and @Ryan Mellem in the comment section of your activity and sign up for the event. A winner of the monthly challenge will be selected from the finishers of the event. Have fun, be safe, and anything worth doing is worth overdoing.