Well the die has been cast. For those of you living under a rock, next week is Super Bowl Sunday. Roughly 100 million people will partake in the annual tradition of tuning in and judging which commercial was the best. There is also a football game on. After 23 weeks of hard fought pugilism, the Philadelphia Eagles and the Kansas City Chiefs are set to grind it out on the gridiron in Super Bowl 57. While the Supreme Court overturned the ban on sports betting in 2018, this is Plod and Pedals first foray into the arena. 

This months challenge is to run 5.7 miles or ride 17.1 miles on the Saturday before the Super Bowl (2/11/23) AND make your prediction for who will win the game. Once you’ve completed your run, tag Josh Pierce and Ryan Mellem in the comment of your run along with your prediction. We will pick a winner at random for the monthly prize. As a bonus, if that winner also made the correct prediction they will get a Plod and Pedal hat and pair of socks. Good luck to you all and enjoy the game. As always, have fun, be safe, and anything worth doing is worth overdoing.